Tuesday, January 4, 2011


dYes, i saw it!  Green grass!  it was in a photo i took of my office this fall, but i saw the green grass and it got me excited!  So i thought i would post the images here so you could see them and get excited too. Plus i am tired of the snow, and cold (5 below this morning), so i didn't want to put up another picture of snow. Because although it did snow yesterday we didn't get much accumulation.

I have been terrible about taking before and after pictures in these past years but i finally did it for this phase of the granary: my office.  The previous phases in this portion of the granary were: the bunny breeding room, ferret storage, and then just storage.  But last spring, I decided that as a life coach, i should have an office in which to meet with my clients for their personal sessions because not all sessions are with the horses. So what better place to create an office, outside of the house - but in the granary! So I decided instead of the old, crappy looking paneling that is used throughout the rest of the buildings, i was gonna try my hand at drywall!  Plus it was a lot less expensive.  So i asked a friend of ours to come out and help who has done drywall for a living.  So there i was, putting up heavy drywall, taping it, puttying, scraping, sanding and painting - drywall!  It was great!  VERY messy, but i learned a lot and it looks really good, much better then paneling. Inside pics will be later, when i can find them.
see? green grass!  this is the outside before

inside before

outside after

Inside after

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