Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I know something is up when the barn cat comes to my window. This is Winky. She has been with me for 12 years now.
She decided to become a barn cat when we moved here 
and she has not come into the house since.
Obviously, she needs something.

I am not responding quickly enough. 
 I have just been given the evil eye by a cat.
"Now you must suffer, i will come right through this window 
and scratch your eyes out!"


She didn't succeed.  But i figured she's probably out of food out there.
Which was almost correct.  When the hay guy delivered the hay, he shut the barn door all the way and she couldn't get in under the door to eat.  Very upsetting.

So after this, I started thinking....how cool it would be to be a cat! 
For 10 reasons:
  1. You have claws - that can cause damage to people and objects
  2. You can give someone the finger one minute and come back a little while later and love them and they love you
  3. You have amazing agility - you can jump up onto an object the size of a golf ball and stand on it!
  4. You can purr - how cool is that??!?!?!
  5. You can sleep for 20 hours a day and no one will give you a hard time about it
  6. You don't have to write papers for school
  7. You don't have to go to school
  8. You can eat whenever your hungry
  9. You can get love whenever you want it and whenever you don't want it you don't have anyone complaining
  10. You never have to take a bath
I think overall, when i go - i wanna come back as a cat.  Cuz that's good living right there.

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