Sunday, January 23, 2011


So yesterday i come home to find Afro playing with my old camera!

He must've found it in the classroom, i don't know but it was really annoying!  I mean who does he think he is!  i am the photographer in this family! And how does he think he's gonna work the shutter button without any appendages?????

If he wants to learn, i can teach him but really let's start out right here:

No you can't take a picture of the cat when the lens is pointed at his bum!  That will never turn out.

And you are never gonna get the shot with the settings you have on the camera - you need a higher ISO to get enough light to make the shot.  I mean really, dude!

Then this morning i get up to find Tiki doing the same thing!

 They are all jealous!  That's all i can think of from this behavior. The least they could've done was ask for help.

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