Friday, November 26, 2010


You hear about this Tryptophan:

Tryptophan is an amino acid found in turkey and other foods that helps the body produce niacin, a B-Vitamin, which helps produce serotonin, which makes you sleepy.

But is it really true?  Because honestly, turkey is not the only thing on my plate at Thanksgiving!  I've got a load of other stuff, such as potatoes, bread, cranberries, sweet potatoes, broccoli, green bean casserole.  I think its all a lie, and honestly its because we eat like there is no tomorrow or that we will starve, that we stuff ourselves and get tired.  Well, whatever happened yesterday, my wonderful husband said he would get up and do the cores in the morning.  I said, "really?"  and totally took advantage of it!  I slept til 11 am!  and it was awesome!  I love the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas because this is what i do: I sloth!  Like a sloth, like a slug, I sit all day and do nothing.

Now you insane, crazy people that get up early and go shopping on what America has deemed "Black Friday" are just victims of the media, and all i can do is feel sorry for you.  (and there is a reason for the term 'black' its usually associated with evil!) You are missing out on something that is worth way more then any $10 savings on a sweater that nobody really wants anyway!  And MY TIME, MY SANITY, MY HEALTH is WAY more important and valuable then waking up early (first mistake), being pushed around in crowds (second mistake), and hoping to get a good bargain (third mistake).  Not only are these not bargains, they are just a bait and switch to get you to spend more money in their stores.  Really, who needs or wants an electronic checkbook?  Who uses a check book any more anyway?  Or a cuddle up? Or a slapchop? Holidays are not about giving, they are about receiving; receiving the love of family, and friends and being together, being grateful.  I don't need another small item that takes up a spot in the bathroom and that in reality just turns out to be another thing i have to clean or dust.  I don't need another way to make waffles, or another way to prepare a cup of coffee, or another pair of slippers. I just want to be with you and around you, sharing your life and experiences.

So if anybody asks:  this year the only thing i want for Christmas is you! That's what all my animals say daily:  I just want to be with you.

By the way, turkey actually contains the lowest levels of Tryptophan.  Scallops contain the most.  So maybe next year I will serve scallops for Thanksgiving, then have a real excuse for my sloth-iness.

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