Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Yesterday morning was the coldest of all the mornings since autumn arrived - 13 degrees! Brrrrrr! and yuck!  I didn't realize this of course until I was heading out to the goat barn to milk and realized it would have better if i had put my long johns on.  They really come in handy in the farmin' business. But as i entered the goat barn i heard that infamous rushing of water that i have heard so many times before.  I shake my head, open the barn door to the dry lot and of course (insert long sigh here), someone had pulled the plug off the water fount. Again.  For years i have thought and blamed it on Max, our playful Palomino horse, but he has been vindicated as i caught one of the baby goats nipping at the plug the other week. Perhaps when they weren't here, it was Max, but I have no proof, only circumstantial evidence. It must of been off for quite along time, as ice had formed around the opening and a large pond had been formed on the low end of the dry lot.  Perhaps they wanted to go for swim before winter arrived, and decided since they were locked up behind fences that this was the only way.

Sorry, cell phone was all I had on me!

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