Tuesday, November 23, 2010


It happened - a complete week, all 7 days, all 168 hours - without a computer!  (well except for the two times i checked email for the online class i teach - part of the job, really). Yes, it worked.  i actually enjoyed it, became friends with myself, got stuff done and i didn't die!  As my friend responded when i put on Facebook that i was back and felt rejuvenated she said, and i quote,

 "i would rather die, but i'm glad you had a good experience. :) ok maybe not DIE, but unless i have some pretty reinforcing things to replace my technology, i probably would die." 

Scary, right?  no offense my friend, but honestly technology is in no way everything.  

So what did i do with all this "free time?"  I:

  • played ball with my puppy
  • set up my office
  • took a nap
  • read a book
  • cleaned my kitchen
  • took my camera for a field trip
  • put the spring on the barn door (been wanting to do that for years)
  • made cheese
  • made lots of soup
  • trimmed the goats hooves and gave the babies their shots
  • cooked dinner - a lot
  • went to the movies
  • wrote in my journal
  • went through all the old pictures (yes - prints!) and picked out some favs to put on the blog
  • played my guitar
  • talked with friends
Overall it was a perfect week off!  Can't wait to try do again. 

What if it was your downtime, your lounging-in-bed-too-long time, your walkabout time, and your blow-Friday-off time that made possible your greatest achievements?
Would they still make you feel guilty? Or would you allow yourself to enjoy them?
After all - life is too short to be sitting in front of a computer all day, every day.  There is this thing called the outdoors that needs exploring.

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