Tuesday, November 9, 2010

BoBo guts everywhere!

Meet Edy!  She came here oh, about a month or so ago.  And I have had to search for my shoes in the back yard every morning since.  A Border Collie, she is.  Smart they claim, however i think mine was the last in line for brains and got the short end of the neocortex stick, so to speak.  She's definitely all puppy though!  And she actually fetches!  Which is a strange concept for us as dog owners, or should i say - Basset Hound owners - because no Basset Hound fetches.  They just look at you after you throw it and think to themselves, "Really, if you are gonna go so far as to pitch my ball across the room, you may as well go get it your self."  Why waste precious energy is there motto.  Save it for important things like barking at the jogger going by the house, or that UPS man. I don't know what it is about men in brown uniforms but they hate them with great passion and verve.  He may be dangerous after all.  The trick though is to bring meat.  If you have meat, a Basset will immediately become your life long friend and go with you anywhere.  This is why Bassets do not make good guard dogs, watch dogs yes, but guard dogs, no.  They would leave home with the thief if presented with a large hunk of pork product.

See how the Bassets can stay REALLY still.
Zoom!  See the bassets never moved and inch!

BoBo Guts!
Now, Edy, she's something else.   A puppy?  what was i thinking!  They need to be taught stuff like not to jump on people and not to lick faces.  And a Border Collie does best when having a'job' to do, that's what i read anyway.  So her 'job' is to go with when i milk the goats.  She is responsible for sitting there watching me while i milk, and her favorite part of the job is take the used baby wipes (i use them to wipe the goats teats off before milking) and to shred them into tiny, little pieces.  Just like the BoBo.  And the other toys. There is something amazingly interesting about stuffing to a dog.  Well to this dog, not the Bassets.  They never tore up the toys, or even really looked at them, so we had a lot for Edy to work with when she got here.  Training?  Well, i thought to myself, "what the heck was i thinking taking in another dog, that needed training?" (it was a favor for a friend who couldn't keep her anymore)  But then i was gently reminded that i have broken several horses to ride and if i can train a horse i could certainly train a dog!  I mean training a Basset is like teaching a cat to use a litter box, just show them once and they now what to do.  Edy however is a little more complicated.  But she's coming along.  She just needs some time and a little love, we have the love, time however...that's another story.......
And remember: never leave anything unattended

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