Friday, September 23, 2011


If you had seen Percy in the last few months, you saw that she was lonely and decided she would grow a friend on her side that would be with her always, show her unconditional love and listen when Percy needed a shoulder to cry on.  This growth had gotten so extremely big that it was looking like it might actually take over and no one wants your friend to become a barnacle and suck the life out of ya.  So we took Perc to the vet to have this growth removed.

Now this next picture is not for the faint of heart as it is pretty gross.  Gross because Percy returned from the vet looking like Frankenstien's monster. Well, at least with the stitches everywhere she could have been sewn together by the likes of Dr. Frankenstein.  Not that I am calling my vet Frankenstein, ok? Don't go running off to tell her that I think she sucks as a suture-ist. That's not true!

The vet took care of all the growths she had, even though i wasn't worried about most of them: when she has had small growths before I would just lance them myself, drain them and within a few days they were gone (yes, razor blades and iodine are handy on a farm - i've learned a lot around here in these last 8 years).  But not this big one it was huge - it coulda won prizes.

and when you have itchy stitches, you start lickin'.  If your a dog, or maybe if your a human too I don't know, I've never done it.

So that leads to the epitome of all shamefulness for dogs:

The only problem is Percy is a genius and figured out that if you just tuck your cone under your leg, you can lick it anyway.

Back to the vet for you, Percy!

It did get infected and we took her back for some major anti-biotics and some LickGuard.  She's doin' better now.

Only time will tell if Percy will get another friend.

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