Friday, September 23, 2011

HERE'S #4 and #5 and #6 and…...

Sure, it could stop at #3, really for most of the world they say it happens in three's.  Three things go wrong and then your done.  But no, not here. Not on this farm.  Ya know, I really am a 'glass half full' type of gal, while my husband is like Louie and thinks we are all gonna die, but sometimes circumstances can question even my positive outlook on things.  After all that hullaballoo with the (#1) water pump, (#2) water line, then (#3) gas line, what could come next, right?  Well, how 'bout something else uber expensive and annoying?

Electrical failure!

Yes, indeed!  I went out to lunch with a friend only to have Bob call and tell me, "Well, just when we thought it couldn't get any worse, guess what just happened?"  All i really thought was, "Why are you calling me when I am out?"  Then i thought, "Well I really don't want to know - ignorance is bliss at this point."  Then i thought, "Well I better ask what or he's gonna think I am ignoring his question."  So i said, "What, honey?"

"I turned on the lights in the garage and the overhead lights started flickering and I smelled smoke.  So i don't know what's going on but it's not good. (think Louie) We are gonna have to call the electric company and figure this all out."  This was the shortened version. (think Louie)

I sighed, said. "Ok, honey,"  and hung up.

I sighed again.

Then I started thinking doomsday thoughts and wondered if super natural powers were working against us.

Then i finished my lunch and went home to hear 'the rest of the story.'

Turns out, it's a simple little $8 part that needed to be replaced (of course this will take a couple hours at the rate of $200 hour for labor.)  Funny thing, and ya gotta laugh and say funny at this point, this happened a few years back with the big red barn, now that we recall it. It was replaced and all has been well since.

So we replaced that one as had the repair technician repair the one on the guest house too while he was at it, so $X amount of dollars later, we are FIXED!  Yes, should be fixed for a while now.  What else could go wrong?

Well…..unless you count #5 and #6…..

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