Wednesday, September 21, 2011


So this is what I mean….

See the end of last month we had the whole disaster with the new water pump blowing up the old water line, right?  well, they came out two days later to dig up a trench to run the new line in.  It rained the day before and the 'locators' were suppose to come out and check for gas lines and anything else under the ground before someone is to dig, it's the law.  But no one showed up to mark the lawn with the big, fat, orange, spray paint X.

So the following day, they showed up with their big, fat, noisy back hoe and started diggin'.

Louie was very upset and started her, "we're all gonna die!" routine.  This is not something one should ignore when a basset states such things, you should be warned and act accordingly, like her, go hide in the bathroom or under the bed.

And pant endlessly, while whining incessantly.  It's the only thing that works, the only thing that will save your life.

And then there was the question about how they were gonna go ahead and start digging without the X marking the spot, they said, "Oh well, we'll dig anyway."  Now, in my lesser knowledge of such things and lack of comprehension of construction matters, I still thought this was not a good idea.  But Bob was desperate for the water to be hooked back up properly and that we no longer had to have a hose running into our house for water. And what do I really know anyway?

So they dug...

and they dug….

and they dug….

and they dug….

and they dug….

and they hit a gas line!

Yes, a gas line, not the gas line to the main house but to the guest house.

With my limited knowledge again, I am thinking well, this is not cool.  But at least they did it, didn't get permission to dig, so they will be responsible for getting it fixed, right?  Wrong, according to the water line diggers.  "They would have never found that secondary line.  Things like this happen all the time.  You are responsible for fixing it."  Really?

So Bob calls the company that did the work and they would have nothing to do with it, unless we dug a whole new line to the guest house and pay an additional $2k.  Yeah, right.

Now, not only are we playing this game of repairing the water pump, repairing the water line and now we have to repair the gas line.  I don't like games like this, or any games for that matter, Ok, except maybe some board games like Scrabble or Monopoly.

Luckily we have great friends and they helped us out getting it  fixed and working properly for WAY less then $2k.

Now look at this:

Now my yard is a complete mess. We are even more broke and no one is responsible.  Not even the insurance company will help. Louie thinks we are all gonna die and Bob's coming close to loosing his mind, and me too - watching him almost loosing his mind.
But at least it's all over we have experienced the 3's, there will be no more!

But then…. came #4…….

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