Friday, September 23, 2011


I really did loose track.  And if i go back a few months what appears to be #5 and #6 are really #1 and #2 and set off this whole tumultuous cycle of tragic events, but they don't need numbers, let's just all recognize that they sucked, big time.

Prior to the fall out with the well pump, I went out to the garage one day to find that our chest freezer was dead.  Crap!  there wasn't too much in it but enough to make me think , "PARTY!"  So we could share all the food.  No there wasn't that much; some old bread, a few chunks of meat and some ice cream.  And it appeared it hadn't been out too long as things were still cold, just defrosted.

Oh, wait!  i think a few weeks before that the fridge in the garage went out too, but we just put the old dorm-size fridge out there and all was well.  Usually all we use it for is eggs.

But when i checked on that fridge after noticing the freezer was dead, it was dead too.  Ok, so things are not going well.  i plugged them into other outlets thinking that maybe the power-strip had died, but that wasn't the case.

So no fridge or freezer, and when you have a farm and lots of harvested crops - you need these things.  Need is the operative word here, not want but NEED.

So i salvaged what I could and moved it into the Barn Bar's fridge, which makes for less room for beer and really disappoints those who drink such swill.

THENNNNNN…… when they were diggin' up all the ground to put the new water line in, the fridge in the guest house died.  Yes, we were now down to just two fridges and one freezer.  Not good.

So really, did it start with the chest freezer weeks ago?  Does it really happen in 3's and how long does the actual time line of events count? Is it three times in a month?  Three times in a year?  Or is it, in our case, one after the other?  Or do you only count three at a time?  These are very important factors that have to be figured out in order to determine our own fate in this world.  I need to know, I don't want to know, I NEED to know.

And with all this death, decay and turmoil, it leads us to the ultimate pressing question of the day:  DOES IT MEAN THAT SUPER NATURAL FORCES ARE AGAINST US?

I don't know, ask Louie.

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