Friday, January 18, 2013


So, I have my friend Jen Koski, that is a writer and editor for a couple of Rochester's publications:  The Post Bulletin and Rochester Magazine.  She's about as cute as a bug in a rug.  A while back she asked if I would teach her how to make cheese, and I did.  That was a fun day!

Actually the funny part about how we met Jen was in direct correlation of what a small town Rochester really is and what a small world is.  And the fact that all the cool people end up meeting each other, eventually. And because Jen knows all the cool people in town, and we don't.

So Jen was at a fundraiser for  - I don't know what - and Bob's Theatre Group, Vertigo Theatre Factory, donated for the the silent auction: A CHANCE TO BE AN EXTRA ON A YOU TUBE VIDEO SERIES - THE BARN BAR.

Silly Jen, she bid on it and won. Little did she know what she was getting into.  But that's another story.

So after that, Jen learned to appreciate our craziness and occasionally asks me to do stuff with her as fodder for her articles.  Which I am totally fine with that.  I have  blog, about my life, and I have several Facebook pages:  I'm already really exposed.

So Jen asked me and our dear friend Pam Whitfield to join in on her new column idea for the paper- THE CHAT. The concept was to be a little like The View, on TV, ya know the show, with Barbara, Whoopi, Joy, Elisabeth and  Sherri?

Me either.  I don't watch TV but I have kinds heard of it.  So I was game for a good time!

This is the first article.

Now I searched online at the PB and couldn't find the link.  It disappeared.  well, I'll get Jen on the task.

We did a couple the other night, back to back and I think we did even better.  When I am with a couple of funny, witty women, I can whip out the funny, but I really am not a 'fly by the seat of my pants' humorist.


  1. I love this! And you are really way too cool for me, but I like that you hang out with me anyway.

  2. no, I'm not - your the cool person! you have sock monkeys.
