Tuesday, January 8, 2013


So, it was Sunday, and Sunday is a day that I take some time to do things for myself, my 'day off' if you will (not that there are any real days off for a photographer/farmer). I also like to think of it as a day I can eat a little bit differently.  More like a person that doesn't need to eat well, ya know what I mean?  Well, anywho… I don't like breakfast.  Breakfast is a difficult thing for me because it usually contains items that I can't/won't eat like bread type items - pancakes, bagels, muffins, french toast, biscuits, heavy with sugar-laden syrups and served with sides of fat filled, artery-clogging sausages.  Yes, every now and then they are good, I mean I treated myself to a bagel for Christmas morn', but for the most part I've never really liked breakfast.  I would ordered steak and eggs when we went out for breakfast as a child, just because I didn't like anything else to eat on the menu.

So Sunday comes now and I start thinking about eggs.  Now, everyone knows how well I eat on a regular basis and technically I do, but I recently had a check up form the Doc and found that my cholesterol was a tad bit on the high side.  I freaked out!  I mean, ME??  how could that be?  But then when I really thought about it, a lot of the foods I enjoy, although mostly good for you, some of the stuff I like too much is cholesterol ridden.  I.E. meat. I.E. cheese.  My two favorite things in the world.  There isn't a charcuterie plate in the world I haven't met and didn't like (ok, maybe the headcheese one - that's a little too much for me).  And cheese?  OMG!  CHEESE is the next coming of the lord to me!  I mean I bought a goat just so I could make cheese!  I find a cheese store and spend $100 just on cheese alone! Now, granted my cholesterol was a tad bit high but my good cholesterol was hitting the roof!  Way over the average number so I think that might balance it out.  I wish I could blame genes, but my parents passed away rather young and I don't know if they had cholesterol problems or not.

Soooooo, with the cholesterol monster screaming at me, I try to avoid eggs now.  Not that I ever really ate a lot of eggs, but I am more conscious of them.  So Sunday I decided to make an omelet, not just any omelet, but a:


The cast of characters:

1/4 cup each chopped:  mushrooms, roasted red bell pepper, onion and spinach
4 eggs (I know the pic only has 3 - I had to add another egg later cuz I had too many veggies)
1/8 cup milk
S&P to taste (that's salt & pepper)
1/2 cup Iberico cheese

Chop veggies. Make 'em look all purty.

Add a little oil to the pan and cook the veggies (all but the spinach) until onions are tender - about 5 minutes.

Add the spinach and cook until wilted - about 1-2 minutes.  Wilted spinach…sounds sad.

Whisk together the eggs and milk.

Pour egg mixture into the pan.

Using a spoon or spatula, pull the cooked sides from the pan and allow the uncooked egg mixture to bleed into the area.  (this takes some getting use to, tipping the pan helps).  And it isn't easy to do with a camera in one hand and a spoon in the other.  Gonna have to figure this out.  May have to get out the ol' tripod.

Add the cheese.

Tempt the pig with the cheese rind.

Flip half of the omelet over the cheese.

Turn off the heat and let the cheeses melt.

Enjoy!  and don't forget to add the artery-clogging sausages on the side.


1/4 cup each chopped:  mushrooms, roasted red bell pepper, onion and spinach
4 eggs (I know the pic only has 3 - I had to add another egg later cuz I had too many veggies)
1/8 cup milk
S&P to taste (that's salt & pepper)
1/2 cup Iberico cheese

1. Chop veggies.
2. Add a little oil to the pan and cook the veggies (all but the spinach) until onions are tender - about 5 minutes.
3. Add the spinach and cook until wilted - about 1-2 minutes
4. Whisk together the eggs and milk.
5. Pour egg mixture into the pan.
6. Using a spoon or spatula, pull the cooked sides from the pan and allow the uncooked egg mixture to bleed into the area.  (this takes some getting use to, tipping the pan helps).
7. Add the cheese.
8. Flip half of the omelet over the cheese.
9. Turn off the heat and let the cheeses melt.

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