Thursday, January 17, 2013


No, not when it's your beddy-bye basket.  And little ol' Cashew just wanted to stick up for his sister, Bear.

Winky was inside again.  I really can tell she's getting older now.  She is not comfortable with the cold air outside, even though she does have a great little place to hang out thats' heated; my old office!  It's still my workshop for food images and framing so it is comfortable, heated and has a couch.  But she has chosen to come inside, for now.

But back to the beddy-bye basket.  Winky saw the basket and couldn't help herself.  I mean, who could, right?  It's  a beddy-bye basket with a burlap blankie!

So there she was:  Winky - in the basket!

Then Cashew awoke from his deep slumber and noticed her:

It took him a moment to realize the intensity of this faux pas at beddy-bye basket etiquette, but once noticed he quickly responded with a strike to the head!

Winky retaliated with several power punches to the face!

and then it was over.  Statement made.

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