Thursday, March 1, 2012


Yes, we have this great friend, who by most people's standards is fairly normal, but for us - us and the fact that only in my world would someone want to do a really bad play in our barn, I am finding him frighteningly stranger lately.  Ryan is an incredible actor, playwright and person and we met him a couple years ago when we all did a play together by another great friend, Debi.

So here's how the story goes (loosely translated - I'm old remember):

Ryan calls and goes quickly into his low, mellow voice:
"Today is the 25th (?) anniversary of Moose Murders."

Me: "Ok???

Ryan: " I had that thought again that we HAVE to do a read through of this play."

Me: "Ok??"

Ryan: "Well, we should, I mean it really has to be done."

Me: "Ok??"


Ryan: "We should do it in the barn."

Me: "Ok.  How' bout next Friday?"

Ryan:  "Yes!  That's perfect!  I'll start gathering actors."

And the next thing ya know - the worst Broadway production in history is being prepared in my barn, tomorrow.  10 actors. No rehearsals. No memorized parts. They will be handed a script at 8 o'clock and be given stage directions by Ryan.

How someone can pull together 10 actors, 5 back stage helpers, produce a poster,

Ok, so yes, WE had these set walls just laying around our barn

Ryan kept asking for a long list of props and the only thing
 we didn't have was a can of vegetable soup

But we had a lodge and lodge furniture

props, T-shirt with logo, the Moose Lodge sign and an audience projected to be about 50 in one week totally amazes me!  Who does this?  and WHY?

Only in my world, only in my world.

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