Thursday, July 21, 2011


I have been feeling incredibly lazy lately; i don't feel like working, doing anything or going anywhere.  And no i am not depressed.  I stare at the things that have to be done outside, inside and everywhere in between and i turn away and go, "Blah!"  Then i find something else to do, like blog.  So I will blame the relentless,  never ending heat wave that was here this week that put a damper on my fun, fast-paced lifestyle just so no one else can be blamed for such non-sense, as blaming someone for your own laziness makes about as much sense as blaming the weather man for the steaming heat index of 115 degrees. Which i will anyway, cuz it makes me feel better.

So due to the lack of air quality, the steaming windows, and my measuring the heat index as "minutes before dripping sweat, "  i totally avoided the garden because i had no choice:  the Heat index the past three days was "8 minutes before dripping sweat" and it takes longer than that just to seek out a zucchini.  And speaking of zucchini, did i not say that i would be finding some out there the size of a Volkswagen by the time i could return to the garden?  Well it was true!  After the heat wave broke last night, I awoke to a very nice 75 degrees and cool breeze this morning, so i ventured out to the garden.  Seeking out the ever elusive jumbo sized zucch!  Well I found it!  It was not quite the size of a Volkswagen but it was bigger then Edy's head.

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