Thursday, February 17, 2011


Lotsa milk means lots of cheese and other dairy products.  So here we go - this is my morning:

decided to make more butter

also decided to make mozzarella!

So i heated the milk up, added the starter and rennet, let it set and then cut the curds into 1" cubes.

decided it was taking too long to set the butter, so i thought i would try a different method: the blender!

But i didn't like the way it was coming along, didn't look right.

so i put it back into the jar and started shakin' again.

back to the mozzarella:

heated the curds back up slowly to 108 degrees by putting it in a pan of hot water.

while that is heating, back to the butter:
That looks better!

Rinse the butter,

then add sea salt and blend:

Then i got hungry:

Avocado - my fav lately!

then its back to the butter:


then its back to the motz!

Heat the curds in the microwave, stretch them with a spoon;

form into a ball:

place in a bowl of cold water,

Notice that you have this really cute dog and you must take an image of her again:

Then take advantage of the whey and make ricotta cheese.  Heating up the whey until its 185 degrees then pour a quart of milk in.  When it heats up this high, the pan makes these large , bubbles that explode and sound like a "kerplunk!"  Scares Louie:

Poor Louie.

When the whey and milk start to farm little specks: its ready!

Pour into cheesecloth lines strainer, tie it up and hang for a couple hours to drain.  Instant ricotta!

now with all this mozzarella and ricotta - what should i make??????

1 comment:

  1. You should make dinner and invite me over to enjoy it with you!
