Monday, February 25, 2013


 Yes, since last Monday, each night I have slept for 11 hours.  For most people this is unheard of but I really manage to get about 9 hours every night anyway.  I need it, it's part of who I am.  But to sleep 11 hours more than one night in a row, I had a feeling it was my body telling me something.  And I was correct: come Wednesday I felt it - the scratchy throat, the lethargy.  I was sick.  This is something that doesn't happen to me, the last time I was sick was about 6 years ago when I got asthma, and before that about 4 or 5 years and maybe that was just a little cold.  Anyway, I wasn't terribly sick, just tired.  The lethargy was just terrible and on Friday I slept for 18 hours! Wow!  I had my art show Saturday, so I had to get up and get my large photo canvases hung, but I just couldn't stay and help out, I was needing some more sleep if I were to make it through the night.

I did, it was a fabulous evening and thanks to my new friend Cassandra - it went off with out a hitch!  It was well attended and everyone loved the art work displayed.  I was a very happy little girl.

So yesterday was Sunday and I woke up feeling pretty darn good.  I went out and did chores and felt much better, almost anxious because with all that sitting around and resting - my ass was getting numb.  It was time to get out.  But knowing full well that when you start feeling a little better after being sick, you should NOT over do it or you will regret it!  So I took it easy, did some work on my websites, since I had two days off in a row (!)  unheard of really… and then just went to bed at 9.

Now things were going quite well, I was still sleeping soundly and enjoying my nice warm bed when I heard the God awful sound of someone hacking at the God awful time of 5 am.  Yes, hacking!  ukk ukk ukk haaaccckkk!


Then it happened again.  ukk ukk ukk haaaccckkk!

and again. ukk ukk ukk haaaccckkk!

and again. ukk ukk ukk haaaccckkk!

and again. ukk ukk ukk haaaccckkk!

and again. ukk ukk ukk haaaccckkk!

Ok!  That was it!  Percy had a hacking problem and it was totally grossing me out, interrupting my sleep, and not to mention I had to listen to the lap, lap, lap after each and every hack!  OMG!  I know, dogs do that, but super gross!

So I said, "Come on Perc."  and I led her upstairs, got myself a cup of water, went and laid down on the coach in the office, and tucked myself under the big, comfy fleece blanket hoping for another hour or two of sleep.

Except a couple of other beings in the house had another idea.  Just as I am about to relax into a deep slumber I am pounced upon by some bugger called Bear.  I resisted the temptation to throw her across the room and placed her gently on the floor instead.

Now in this family there is something that is an unwritten law with us.  We DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT interrupt someone's sleeping.  I instilled this in my daughters from day one and if you come into a room to find someone taking a nap, you better leave the room and not interrupt them unless you want to take your life into your own hands.  This is a cause for murder in my book.  Sleep is precious, not to be messed with, dude.

So when an animal doesn't understand this law I don't know why, I mean they sleep 20 hours a day!  I never interrupt them!  Ever!  I go outta my way to make sure I do not disturb them, you would think they would offer me the same courtesy.

But no.

Next came that little butt hole Cashew, who decided that my water tasted better then his water and started lapping up some out of my water glass.  Then preceded to knock it over.  All over my notebooks!  Now I'm MAD!  I grab each and everyone of them darn kittens and the other cat in there and throw them out of the room, slam the door and lay back down.

Wide awake.

Well, at least I feel better now.

How could something so cute be so evil?

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