It's been picture perfect! Just another day in paradise. : )
and to recap the year…. in no particular order:
Percy still thinks she's funny |
Louie is still always beggin' for meat |
Edie is forever wondering…. |
My birthday with friends |
the hell of the well and pipes going out |
me teaching Jen Koski (local writer, editor)
how to make cheese for Rochester Magazine |
Pig, happy by the fire |
We lost our dear friend Aphrodite this year |
me, I got in the paper (again) |
Maddie got a full page monthly article to write in the local paper, Exposed |
Bob and the boys called BE performing
at the open mic night at the Rochester Civic Theatre |
KSMQ TV came out and interviewed the characters
from Barn Bar for a special show called Off 90 |
We always went to the Americana nights at the Civic Theatre |
Dana Cooper (who performed last year in the Barn Bar)
and our friend Brandon Sampson |
Sam competed with Honor at Sahara Sands |
always a lot of peace, love and sleeping done |
Sally Barris came back to perform in the Barn Bar, yay! |
and for the first time we had the whole Six Mile Grove band play too |
Bob painted the out buildings |
I helped paint the mural in the skyway downtown for the Farmer's Market |
We took the old camper out to Milwaukee and
Sam & Honor won big at the Badger Arabian Horse Show |
While in Milwaukee we got to see our good friend's brand new baby Hadley |
we were at it at Farmers Market again, peddling the wares of the farm |
With the help of Michelle Fimon, we created a wonderful
series of images based on her poems for an art exhibit |
the great, fun duo called Patchouli played in the Barn Bar in June |
Louie suffers from gravity |
more open mic nights |
Maddie turned assistant photographer a couple times for me |
BE had their album release party in the Barn Bar |
the tomatoes in the raised bed
grew to high and broke my strings |
our band Blue Monk played at the county fair |
BE at the downtown weekly art & music fest Thursdays on First |
our band at Thursdays on First |
Dex and I competed at a local benefit show
in the Egg & Spoon class |
Bob performed with Kevin & Dianna, aka 12 Strings at ArtiGras |
our band at the open mic night |
Maddie's hair randomly changed colors |
Whiskey tasting at Irish Fest |
the view from our front porch still looks good |
the camper died |
BE opened for Patchouli when they came back in October |

Madison performed performed in the play Aria de Capo this summer with our friend Ethan Savage
I took a trip to the Boundary Waters for a little rest and relaxation |
hard to believe Maddie turned 17 this summer and
will be graduating with her associates degree next summer |
we had our notorious Halloween party in the Barn Bar again this ear |
yes, this is how i work |
another view from the front porch - it never disappoints us |
from the back pasture |
these were works displayed at a large art show I helped put on in November |
opossum break in in the barn caused a ruckus |
the work is never done! |
but it sure looks good when it is! |
we visited granddaughter Riley, Bob's
daughter Kristi and her husband Wes in March |
Tiki is still not too brave to go outside, unless the pig is with her |
in the spring, the garden was bloomin' |
my office, ever so changing,
hard to believe it was once a rabbit breeding room |
some new raided beds in the garden - I seem to never stop adding on |
we had a good harvest of strawberries this year |
and tons of veggies |
we got a couple new chicks for the flock |
the job is never done |
pig got a field trip out to the apple trees |
Bob, Kevin and Dianna opening for Pat DiNizio from the Smithereens |
I got the pleasure of having my image on the cover of our
local magazine Rochester Women |
Maddie was on the cover of Exposed, twice |
and I now have the privilege of being the
food photographer for Rochester Women mag. YEAH! |